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Daughters of Danu

The Daughters of Dana Goddess Circle was formed in 2022.


We are a Circle of Witches  from a variety of Traditions who all agreed that our combined gifts and experience could be put to good use helping those in our community who are struggling in these challenging times.

Some of us are Coven trained and some solitary practitioners, all of us felt that our Witchcraft could be used more effectively in the service of others.

We came together with this goal in mind:

- To honour the Goddess

- To honour ourselves and each other

- and to honour our community through service and support.

Witches have long been maligned and misunderstood, portrayed as evil and self-serving, and even accused of worshipping satan. It is our aim to dispel  these myths and educate folks on what an empowering and life affirming path we follow.

Our patron Goddess Danu is the Celtic Mother Goddess, Mother of the Tuatha Dé Danann  She is referred to as The Flowing One, associated with the seas, wells and the Danube river.

As an Earth Goddess She bestows healing, abundance and knowledge of the mysteries of the Earth. embodies the wisdom of living in harmony with our natural environment and gifts her followers the Magic of Wisdom, Inspiration and Transformation.

As so many of our Circle have Irish blood and as one of Her symbols is the seagull a bird dear to the heart of all of us in the Lancashire seaside town where we are based, Danu seemed a natural choice as our Patron.

to find out more about our community service and charity work please click the Witches in the community link in the about us section of the menu.

The Celtic Goddess Danu
Daughters of Danu Goddess Circle
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